Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weekly Update 10/24/16

Upcoming Events

  • 10/21-10/28          Mathathon Fundraiser (students will have limited time during the day, but are                                       encouraged to log-on after school if possible to work on SumDog)
  • 10/27                     Science and Social Studies End of Module Assessments
  • 10/31                     Atlanta History Center Field Trip
  • 11/1                       Math End of Module Assessment
  • 11/8                      Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
  • 11/10                    Tybee Parent Meeting 5:30 (Our dates are March 12-March 15)
  • 11/17                    5th Grade Thanksgiving Luncheon

Instructional Updates:

Last week students inquired into structures that make them who they are. We began our discussion of inherited traits and learned behaviors. In Social Studies we continued our inquiry into conflicts that cause change by examining Reconstruction after the Civil War. We also explored division with multiples of 10, estimation and interpreting remainders. This week in math we will further explore division with multi-digit numbers. We will take all week to wrap up this unit and won't take our end of module assessment for math until next week. Homework this week will include study guides that are attached for math and science. We will review the science study guide Wednesday and the math study guide Thursday. Although students won't have homework explicitly from the lessons below, I'm attaching the videos because these are lessons we will be using this week in class to ensure students are familiar and comfortable with division concepts.

Peer conferencing in writing for our informational writing pieces. The students did a great job of giving each other celebrations, suggestions and corrections.

How does the decimal in the divisor impact the quotient?

Students exploring how DNA determines traits of living organisms.

Homework and Video Help Links:

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