Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekly Update 10/17/16

Upcoming Events:

  • 10/21-10/28              FAVE Mathathon
  • 10/31                        Field Trip to Atlanta History Center
  • 11/10                        Tybee Information Meeting for Parents 5:30
Homework 10/17/16

Lesson 17: Estimate Quotients

Lesson 19: Dividing with Multiples of 10

Instructional Updates:

We're more than halfway through term 2! Students took the mid-module math assessment as well as a social studies assessment last week. You can expect to see those graded and coming home this Wednesday. We are currently working hard on developing an informational writing piece. Students have gone through the planning stage for two pieces and now are choosing one topic that they will complete over the next week. I'm looking forward to seeing students implement many of the techniques we've seen authors use to support main ideas and use vivid details.

In science last week we kicked off our inquiry into structures that make us who we are. Students drew and wrote down characteristics that make them who they are. They reflected on what influenced them to "be good at math", "like to write", "have brown hair", or "play soccer well". We decided that some factors are inherited and some factors are learned or are environmental. Curious about this notion of genes, we extracted DNA from peas to see exactly what this stuff might look like. We will continue to inquire into inherited traits and learned behaviors and connect this science content to our Unit of Inquiry: Who We Are.
We made edible cell models!

Students attempting to pull the strands of DNA out of the graduated cylinders.

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