Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekly Update 4/25/16

Happy Monday!

Upcoming Events:

4/25              Last day of GMAS testing: Social Studies
4/29              FAVE Movie Night
5/3-5/5          MAP testing for our class
5/13               Field Day
5/25               FAVE Finale: 12:45-2:30

Exhibition Update:

A very big THANK YOU to all of the parents that volunteered to work with an Exhibition Group. We have had a tremendous response and every group has a mentor and will begin meeting with them this week. So far students have chosen topics and begun writing questions. Our goal for this week with Exhibition is to finalize research questions, identify reliable sources and begin taking notes.

Math Update:

We are continuing with our inquiry into coordinate planes this week. Last week the students enjoyed practicing plotting points on coordinate grids with a game of Battleship. We will work to analyze points and lines on a grid to identify patterns and rules. The homework for the week is attached and you can find videos to review if necessary.

Homework 4/25/16

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Science Update:

We will be using some science time to work on Exhibition, but we will also begin an inquiry into water this term. Students will look at water sources on our planet, how we use it and the process needed to clean water supplies. We will also explore properties of water. This extension science task will connect to our UOI this term of Sharing the Planet as water is one of the resources that we struggle to share globally.

Thank you for coming out to our Student-Led Conference night. The students really enjoyed sharing their learning with their parents!

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