Sunday, March 27, 2016

Weekly Update: 3/28/16

Upcoming important dates:

  • 3/30      Summative Science Assessment: Study guide is attached and also coming home with students Monday
  • 3/31      Parent Meeting @ Renfroe 7:00pm
    • Student tours begin at 6:30 pm
  • 4/1        Summative Math Assessment: Study guide is attached and also coming home with students Monday
  • 4/1        College and Career Explorations  1:00 pm
  • 4/4-4/8  Spring Break
  • 4/14       Student Led Conferences
  • 4/15       Village Gathering: 8:00 am (our classes are hosting this term!)

Instructional Updates:

In science last week, students looked at constructive and destructive forces as related to earthquakes and volcanoes. Students also explored human impact on changes that occur on Earth's surface. Skyler also presented on her trip to the Galapagos islands and how what we have studied in class is related to the formation of the islands. This week students will reflect upon their learning this term as related to changes in the Earth's surface. The study guide will be passed out Monday and the assessment will be Wednesday.

In math class we began exploring attributes of 2-dimensional figures. Students reviewed how to use a compass to measure angles and several basic geometric terms: line, line segment, vertex, acute, obtuse and right angles, polygon, trapezoid and parallelogram. We will continue to inquire into the hierarchy of shape classification. (i.e. all rectangles are parallelograms, but not all parallelograms are rectangles)

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