Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekly Update 2/8/16

Upcoming Events:

2/9          Science Assessment
2/11        Math Assessment
2/11        Literary Cafe @ 6:00
2/12        Black History Bowl
2/23        Parent Coffee Chat
2/26        Village Gathering

**Classroom needs:
(if you are able to send in any of the items below, it would be greatly appreciated! We are running low on several supplies and will need some items for the science investigations this week.)

-Substances for science investigations (ask your student what their group needs!)

Instructional Updates:

In science class this week we are having our summative science assessment Tuesday. The study guide came home last Thursday and we went over responses in class today. Students have formed their own wonderings that they will be investigating with a small group. Students will be coming home asking to bring in various substances: different types of milk, food coloring, oil, butter, etc. Students are modifying an investigation we have done in class and forming new hypothesis. They are designing their own investigation to test their hypothesis and they will share the results in class Friday.

In math class we are wrapping up our unit on multiplication and division with fractions. The homework this week will serve as the study guide and is due Thursday.

Homework/Study Guide 2/8/16

Lesson 30

Lesson 1

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