Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weekly Update

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone enjoyed their MLK Holiday.

Upcoming Events:

  • 1/21     Parent Meeting for Tybee @ 6:00 pm
  • 1/22     Mid-Module Assessment for Math (the hw will serve as a study guide)
  • 1/26      Parent Coffee Chat: Curriculum @ 7:45 am
  • 1/26      Opera at FAVE (Cultural Arts Performance)
  • 1/29       College and Career Explorations (See Sign-Up if you are interested in leading an Exploration!)
  • 2/5         FAVE Movie Night (You must sign up ahead of time)
  • 2/11       Literary Cafe @ 6:00 pm

Instructional Updates:

Science: In science study are exploring various forms of matter through hands-on labs that investigate properties of matter. Students are noting changes to matter that do not impact the chemical make-up of the matter, but do impact the form or state of matter.

Math: In math students are making connections to our UOI of How We Express Ourselves by discussing and sharing different methods and strategies used in mathematical problem solving. We have inquired into modeling and numeric strategies for multiplying fractions. Students work with groups to share their expression of the problems and discuss similarities and differences.  Students will have their mid-module assessment this Friday. The homework this week will serve as the study guide.

Genius Hour: In our Genius Hour time, students are working on expressing themselves through poetry and performance. Our students are hard at work creating pieces they will share at our Literary Cafe that is 2/11 @ 6:00 pm

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