Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Update 11/16/15

Happy Monday!

Upcoming Events:

11/16  Progress Reports coming home
           Picture Order forms coming home

11/18  Mid-Module Math Assessment

11/19  Thanksgiving Luncheon  12:35-1:05

11/23-11/27  Thanksgiving Break: Enjoy time with your family!

Instructional Updates:

We have been exploring our line of inquiry: Causes for Movement through our study of static electricity. This week we will begin with circuits and how they relate to our line of inquiry: Impact of Innovations.

 In math we continued with modeling addition and subtraction of fractions. Students have their mid-module study guide included with their homework this week. Homework will be turned in Thursday as always, but we will be going over the mid-module study guide (first page) Tuesday in class. The mid-module assessment will be Wednesday. This will cover problem solving and modeling with addition and subtraction of fractions.

Homework 11/16/15

Lesson 7

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