Friday, August 14, 2015

Two Weeks In...

Two weeks in and I feel confident that our students are adjusting to new routines, procedures and expectations. This week we continued looking at the process and procedures of organizing our numbers in a base ten number system. Students compared and ordered decimal numbers and looked at various ways to express numbers in standard, expanded and word forms. We will continue with exploring decimal numbers next week.

In science students inquired into the process and procedure used to classify living organisms. We used a dichotomous key to organize animals based on observed attributes. Ask your student what percentage of Earth's animals are invertebrates.

Want to Help?

  • Ms. Black and I are both still in need of parent volunteers to stuff Monday communication folders and room parents. If you are willing to help out, please email and let us know. 
  • In math class we do Math Centers every Monday. If you'd like to help with leading a math center on Monday mornings (either 8:00-9:05 or 10:35-11:45) please let me know. 

Math Challenge: (Discretely let Ms. McFaddin know you solved this challenge Monday morning!)
We have completed 1/3 of term 1. Term 1 is 1/6 of the school year. If we have completed 1/3 of 1/6 of the school year,  what fractional part of the year do we have left?

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