Monday, April 10, 2017

Weekly Update 4/10/17

Welcome to Term 6!

This week we will be kicking off our last UOI of the year: Sharing the Planet. In this unit, students will completing their Exhibition inquiry. This is a culminating task for students leaving the PYP program and entering the MYP program. Students will work collaboratively with a group over the next few weeks to plan and carry out their own inquiry. The students will present their Exhibition inquiry on May 24. Thank you to those parents that have volunteered to mentor an Exhibition group. If you have not yet completed the volunteer form and are interested in being a mentor, please let me know!

We will continue our geometry unit this week by wrapping up our study of classification of quadrilaterals. Below are links to videos that may be helpful with homework this week. Next week students will begin exploring coordinate planes. In Social Studies we began our inquiry into the Cold War with a look at capitalism and communism today.

Lesson 16: Trapezoids
Lesson 17: Parallelograms
Lesson 18: Rectangles and Rhombus
Lesson 19: Kites and Squares

Message from Spanish:

¡Saludos F.AVE familias!

Though it is difficult to believe, our sixth and final term of the school year is beginning!  At the end of Term 5, Spanish students were assessed in Writing and Listening.  Please be on the lookout for your child’s end of term assessments in the red communication folder. 

The grade for the Writing assessment is derived from a combination of quantity of target vocabulary employed and comprehensibility.   In the event that your child was absent during make-ups or received a 1 on an assessment, there will be an opportunity to re-take the assessment during the week of April 10-14.  Extra, at-home practice of Term 5 vocabulary (via our Quizlet site) is recommended before re-taking the assessment. 

As always, Term 6 vocabulary activities are available on our Quizlet site for extra, at-home practice of our current target vocabulary.

I look forward to another great term,

Maestra Wagner

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