Sunday, January 8, 2017

Weekly Update 1/9/17

Upcoming Events:

  • 1/9               Mid-Year Map Scores and Progress come home
  • 1/12             5th Grade Village Gathering  8:00 am
  • 1/27             5th Grade Walking trip to Decatur High
  • 2/9               5th Grade Night of Expressions

Instructional Updates:

Last week we kicked off our Unit of Inquiry for Term 4: How We Express Ourselves. The central idea for this term is: Creativity leads to the discovery and expression of new ideas. Students will be inquiring into various forms of expression. In math we will be extending our fractions unit to include multiplication and division of fractions. Last week students focused on taking fractional parts of various wholes. This week we will move on to focus on fraction x fraction multiplication. In science we are exploring matter and its various properties and forms. In social studies students are inquiring into World War I, or The Great War. Be sure to review the mid-year Map reports and progress notes. Let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Homework 1.9.17

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Students expressing creativity with everyday objects. This was a part of our UOI Kickoff task. Students were given a cup, a binder clip, tissue paper, string, duct tape and a pencil and asked to create something. Ask your student what their group created!

Students explored measuring mass. We were inquiring into the concept that all matter consists of the sum of its parts.

Notes from Spanish:

¡Saludos F.AVE familias!

Welcome back from Winter Break!  As you know, Spanish classes were assessed over Listening and Writing before we went on break.  Please watch for graded assessments in the red Communication folder.  Re-take opportunities for students that received a one on either assessment will take place January 9 – 13.  Looking ahead, we have begun Term Four!  For extra, at-home review, please visit our Quizlet page and practice Term Four activities:

Maestra Wagner

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