Sunday, December 4, 2016

Weekly Update 12/5/16

Upcoming Events:

  • 12/7-12/9          MAP testing for our class: We will test the last hour of the day (1:30-2:30), so please try not to check out early Wednesday-Friday
  • 12/14                Walk and Roll to School
  • 12/14                 UOI Celebration (1:30-2:30 pm A Living Museum-Come see your students present connections to our Unit of Inquiry and join in a time of refreshments before the winter break

Curriculum Updates:

We have been exploring our lines of inquiry: Causes of movement and impacts of innovations with our inquiry into electrical circuits. Students should be able to explain the components of a circuit, the difference between and open and closed circuit as well as the difference between a parallel and series circuit. We will be exploring Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell this week and relating inventions and innovations to our science content for the term. We will be having our UOI Celebration on Wednesday December 14 @ 1:30-2:30. I really hope you can join us. Students are hard at work creating presentations that they will share with visitor to our "Living Museum". I can't wait for you to see the connections THEY have made to our Unit of Inquiry!

Students experimenting with conductors/insulators and open/closed circuits.

Students experimenting with parallel and series circuits.

Students received their last spelling list for this term last Monday. They met in small groups and we sorted the words and looked at spelling patterns and roots. We will continue to work with these words throughout the week. 

Spelling word sort

Math Homework and Video Links:

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