Sunday, May 21, 2017

Final Post of our 2016-2017 School Year!

Upcoming Events:

5/24/17        Moving on Ceremony (10:00-10;40)
                    Exhibition (10:40-11:20)
                    Change clothes and prepare to leave for Oakhurst Park (11:20-12:00)
                    End of Year Celebration (12:00-2:00)
                     - Be sure that you have ordered/paid for pizza for your child (and yourself if you plan to eat with us!) Room parents are ordering this pizza ahead of time and we want to be sure everyone has enough. If you/your child prefer, you can bring lunch that day instead.)

5/26/17      Last day of School!

F.AVE's SLT End of Year Survey
Every year we ask for feedback on what went well and what we can improve upon. Our school's SLT has designed a survey to gather this information. The survey will be open through the end of the school year. Please take a moment to let us know what is working and what needs revisions. Thank you so much. Click here for end of year survey.

Field Day was a success...

Thank you so much for all of the support this year! This has been a wonderful 5th grade class to work with. I've enjoyed working with you and your child each week. In the future, please stay in touch and have a great summer with your family and friends!


Monday, April 10, 2017

Weekly Update 4/10/17

Welcome to Term 6!

This week we will be kicking off our last UOI of the year: Sharing the Planet. In this unit, students will completing their Exhibition inquiry. This is a culminating task for students leaving the PYP program and entering the MYP program. Students will work collaboratively with a group over the next few weeks to plan and carry out their own inquiry. The students will present their Exhibition inquiry on May 24. Thank you to those parents that have volunteered to mentor an Exhibition group. If you have not yet completed the volunteer form and are interested in being a mentor, please let me know!

We will continue our geometry unit this week by wrapping up our study of classification of quadrilaterals. Below are links to videos that may be helpful with homework this week. Next week students will begin exploring coordinate planes. In Social Studies we began our inquiry into the Cold War with a look at capitalism and communism today.

Lesson 16: Trapezoids
Lesson 17: Parallelograms
Lesson 18: Rectangles and Rhombus
Lesson 19: Kites and Squares

Message from Spanish:

¡Saludos F.AVE familias!

Though it is difficult to believe, our sixth and final term of the school year is beginning!  At the end of Term 5, Spanish students were assessed in Writing and Listening.  Please be on the lookout for your child’s end of term assessments in the red communication folder. 

The grade for the Writing assessment is derived from a combination of quantity of target vocabulary employed and comprehensibility.   In the event that your child was absent during make-ups or received a 1 on an assessment, there will be an opportunity to re-take the assessment during the week of April 10-14.  Extra, at-home practice of Term 5 vocabulary (via our Quizlet site) is recommended before re-taking the assessment. 

As always, Term 6 vocabulary activities are available on our Quizlet site for extra, at-home practice of our current target vocabulary.

I look forward to another great term,

Maestra Wagner

Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekly Update 3/27/17

Upcoming Events:

  • 3/28           Breman Field Trip
  • 3/30           Social Studies/Science Summatives
  • 3/30           Rising 6th Grade Orientation @ Renfroe
  • 3/31           Math Summatives
  • 4/3-4/7      Spring Break!!!
  • 4/14          Village Gathering @ 8:00--Our class is helping to lead this one!
  • 4/17-4/28  Georgia Milestones--We are testing in the afternoon

Instructional Updates:

This week we are wrapping up our unit How the World Works. Students have been hard at work with our three lines of inquiry:

  • Forces that are constructive and destructive
  • Interactions that affect humans and environment
  • Responsibility for our actions.

They received study guides Friday and we will be going over the answers in class Wednesday. Students can use online resources found on Google Classroom, Discovery Education and their own notes/journals to help with completing these study guides.

In preparation for next term, students are brining home a form today to ask for interest in volunteering to be a mentor for Exhibition. Please fill out the form and send it back in by Friday. Mentors are vital to the success of the Exhibition process and and it's a wonderful way to be involved in your student's last term at F.AVE.

More pics from Tybee!

Math Centers and Finding Area

Student-Led Conferences

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Homework Help 3.21.17

Math Homework Help: Homework went home Wednesday this week. We've been working on finding area of rectangles with fractional and mixed number side lengths. Students needed a little more time in class with these tasks before sending homework home. There are videos attached below that will help with solving the homework tasks.

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Weekly Update: 3/6/17

Upcoming Events:

  • 3/8         Mid-Module Math Assessment--The assessment will cover finding volume of rectangular prisms. Students can use this week's homework as a study guide. They can expect to see similar problems on the assessment.
  • 3/8        Hawk Hollow Walking Field Trip: The class will spend the afternoon at Hawk Hollow exploring constructive and destructive forces at work in our own neighborhood.
  • 3/8       Walk and Roll to School
  • 3/13-3/15   Tybee Trip: Students will need to arrive at school @ 5:45 am on Monday. The buses plan to pull out at 6:00 am
  • 3/23    Student-Led Conferences 4:00-6:00--There will be a sign-up coming out about these conferences in the next week

Instructional Updates:

Students have been hard at work inquiring into constructive and destructive forces at work on Earth's surface and interactions that impact humans and the environment. Last week we used stream tables to simulate weathering, erosion and deposition. Ask your fifth grader to tell you the difference in each stage of the process. 

In math we continued exploring volume of rectangular prisms. Students discovered that 1 cubic centimeter is the same as 1 mL. They have been using this knowledge to help with challenging problem solving. They will have a mid-module assessment this week (Wednesday) on volume concepts. The math homework will also serve as a study guide for them.

Tybee is quickly approaching for our group. See this week's weekly email for more detailed information. I am attaching a link to the "What to Bring Checklist" below. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Weekly Update 2/20/17

Happy President's Day!

Upcoming Events:

  • 2/22              Black History Bowl
  • 2/24              5th Grade Village Gathering  8:00 am
  • 3/3                Explorations
  • 3/3                F.AVE Movie Night
  • 3/13-15        Tybee Trip
  • 3/23              5th Grade Student-Led Conferences 4:00-6:00

Instructional Updates:

This term our Unit of Inquiry is: How the World Works. Students will be inquiring into:

  • Forces that are constructive/destructive
  • Interactions that impact humans and environment
  • Responsibility for our actions

Last term, students used cabbage juice as an indicator to determine pH in various substances.

Today, students engaged in argument about constructive forces and destructive forces. They compared their ideas with other groups.

This term in math we will be inquiring into Geometry and Measurement. Students will be looking at the concept of volume this week. Please see links below to access homework and video help as needed.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Weekly Update 2/6/17

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is recovering well from the high emotions of the Super Bowl.

This week is the last week of the term and we've got lots to do.

Upcoming Events:

** Book Fair is going on all week, but our assigned shopping day is Wednesday. Students can bring money to school and/or you can visit the book fair with your child at our Night of Expressions.

  • 2/8           Science Summative Assessment (Students got study guide last Thursday)
  • 2/9           Social Studies and Math Summative Assessments (Students will get study guides today)
  • 2/9           Night of Expressions---Our class' presentation time is 7:00, but I would suggest arriving a few min. early to ensure you find parking. If you can walk or carpool, that may be a good option.
  • 2/13-2/17 Winter Break
  • 2/21        Tybee Chaperone Meeting (5:30 pm)
  • 2/24        Fifth Grade Village Gathering (8:00 am)
  • 3/13-3/15 Tybee Trip

Instructional Updates:

Students explored ways in which the government was creative with new ideas for programs that were part of FDR's New Deal. They also expressed themselves with reader's theater plays about World War 1, The Great Depression and The Dust Bowl.

In science students continued to explore chemical and physical changes in matter. They will be using their creativity this week to design their own investigations. Your fifth grader may come home tonight asking for milk, butter, soda or other substances that they will use to carry out their independent investigations!

Congrats to our Spelling Bee representatives. Maren, from our class will be going to the district competition this week!

Study Guides and Video help: